Lucy Locket Loves

4th June 2024

Good Morning,

I think it’s important to take full responsibility and accountability for everything, and owe you a frank explanation so here’s what has happened recently, what we have planned, and where things stand now.

Our silence and absence of communication since May 10th was due to legal restrictions in place until today, not for lack of concern. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

What happened to Lucy Locket Loves?

Firstly, I want to apologise to everyone impacted by this, especially our customers and the LLL Team. Despite everyone’s hard work, the challenges of the past 18 months were overwhelming, leading us to enter voluntary liquidation on May 28, 2024.

Supply chain issues, warehouse floods that caused downtime and lost stock, rising import costs that slashed our margins, and the ongoing cost of living crisis hit our revenue hard and disrupted our operations. These essentially made our traditional business model obsolete.

In December 2023, we managed to negotiate monthly rent payments for our warehouse, but by May 2024, the owners insisted on reverting to full quarterly payments, which we couldn’t meet. This led to their abrupt decision to take control of our warehouse on May 10th with no notice, disrupting our operations and leaving us without working capital.

Facing no operational ability and mounting financial obligations, we made the difficult decision to enter voluntary liquidation.

This has been incredibly distressing, particularly for our team, who were reluctantly made redundant. We deeply regret the impact on our staff and their families and I can never say sorry enough for how abruptly this happened. This has personally been the most upsetting part of this process.

Impact and support for LLL community

Customer returns

We will process refunds, returns, and exchanges as soon as we are able to access the warehouse in order to process them. (This is still a work in progress being dealt with legally.)

Gift cards

Gift cards purchased from Lucy Locket Loves will be honoured as & when we are back up and running.

Annual delivery passes

Missing weeks from May 10th until we resume operations will be added to extend the expiry date.

We aim to relaunch the Locket Loves website in Summer with a new look, operational hub, and new leggings designs.

This rebuilding phase will take time, especially as I am also caring for my newborn daughter, but I am dedicated to restoring the service and products you love.

Although the past few weeks have been the hardest of my life, I am committed to being open about the challenges we’ve faced. I appreciate your support as we navigate this difficult period. Your loyalty means the world to us, and we are eager to continue this journey with you.

I know some of you have been frustrated at our inability to meet your needs and I apologise for this, we never intended to end up in this position and we hope we can remedy any problems as soon as possible.

I have always tried to tell you all about my journey, the successes and the failures, whether personal or the business and I would like to continue to do this. As we get things back up and running I hope to share more details about the highs and lows of the coming months.

Thank you for taking the time to read this update. I hope you’ll be a part of the next phase of our journey.

Best regards,
